"Eurasian carbon measurements test area"

Республика Башкортостан
Feather grass steppe, fallow lands, forests, bogs
11599.5 Ha
Test area operator
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU)
Gladkikh S.A., начальник Управления трансфера технологий УГНТУ
+7 917 411 57 77
Industrial partner: “Bashkir soda company” JSC, «Gasprom neftekhim Salavat» Ltd.


  • Bashkir State Agrarian University;
  • Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Bashkir State University;
  • Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology;
  • Managing company of the scientific and educational center of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Technological partners

  • Technology Engineering Holding PETON
  • «Ishimbayneftegas» Ltd.;
  • «Research Institute for Life Safety», Ltd.;
  • Yakut Scientific Center SB RAS;
  • "Areal" Research and Production Association;
  • Bashincom, Ltd.;
  • Intelligent management systems, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University;
  • Engineering center of USPTU;
  • "Integro" research center, Ltd.;
  • Eurasian Center for Climate Competence, Ltd.;
  • Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Ministry of Nature Management and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Ministry of Land and Property of Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Ministry of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Resort "Yangan-Tau";
  • Resort "Toratau";
  • Bashkir Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Roslesinforg, Bashkir branch;
  • "Ishimbayskaya" agrochemical service station.

Test area No 1. Educational research center, arable - 95,5 Ha

Земли сельскохозяйственного назначения под пашней находится на территории Учебно-научного центра ФГБОУ ВО Башкирского государственного аграрного университета (БГАУ). В 800 м имеется инженерная инфраструктура, учебно-опытная лаборатория, лаборатория анализа образцов почв, селекционно-семеноводческая лаборатория и др.

Agricultural arable lands are located on the territory of the Educational and Scientific Center of the Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU). There are an educational and experimental laboratory, a laboratory for the analysis of soil samples, a selection and seed laboratory, etc.

The landscape is of type upland-plain characterized by insignificant erosion risks. The area is occupied primarily by agricultural field crops. Experimental grain growing has been carried out on the area: rye, wheat, barley, peas, soybeans, hemp, sunflower, corn, sugar beet, potatoes, alfalfa, clover, Sudan grass, amaranth, Jerusalem artichoke, awnless brome. The soils of the area include leached black soil, gray forest soil, alluvial meadow soil. Soil thickness is estimated as 170 cm. with variations.

Test area No 2. «Feather grass steppe» – 10,0 Ha

The site is located in the forest-steppe zone, dominated by feather grass-steppe plants. Over the past 10-15 years, the site has been occasionally used as a hayfield; then regular use has ceased. It is one of the most typical areas of the slightly disturbed steppes of the Cis-Urals, which makes it a reference object for assessing the role of these plants in greenhouse gas emissions. Landscapes of the area is characterized by sloping plains, gentle near-valley slopes, composed of Neogene clays with forb-feather grass steppes, oak forests, arable lands on leached chernozems.

Feather-grass steppes are common on the territory. Outside the territory, the site borders on broad-leaved forests and fallows. The soils of the area are carbonate chernozem and residual-carbonate medium-thick chernozem.

Test area No 3. "Mishkino" - 10000,0 Ha

The area is located in the broad-leaved-forest zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the central part of the Mishkinsky district. On the site, one of the prevailing types of vegetation is former agricultural lands (hayfields, arable lands) overgrown with forests, which are at different stages of successional restoration, promising for the foundation of carbon farms. Landscapes are characterized by hilly-ridged ridge plains, ridge plains and gently undulating interfluve plains, sloping and gentle slopes of valleys prevail. In the floodplain of Bir river, the low and medium erosion-accumulative terraces are common. Mesorelief is hilly-ridged. Most of the territory is occupied by abandoned agricultural lands, overgrown mainly with silver birch, less often with Scots pine and goat willow. Forests are represented by secondary broad-leaved and grass-forb broad-leaved (linden-elm) and small-leaved (birch) forests. Aspen forests, as well as spruce and pine cultures, are less common. Meadow vegetation is distributed mainly on plots of land unsuitable for agriculture. On steep slopes, there are meadow-steppe communities that are not widely distributed.

Experimental grain growing: the site has been conducting fundamental research on restorative successions on unused farmland since 2012.

The soils of the area are gray forest clayey and heavy loamy soils.

Test area No 4. Educational research center, forest - 109,0 Ha

The forest area of the natural ecosystem is located on the territory of the Educational and Scientific Center of the Bashkir State Agrarian University (BSAU). 1 km from the site there is an engineering infrastructure, an educational and scientific laboratory for the analysis of experimental samples of soil, seed material, etc. It is planned to install a stationary 32 m high mast with Li-Cor equipment for continuous measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, H2O, CH4) in the atmosphere.

According to the geomorphological zoning scheme, the forest area is located on the territory of the Kamsko-Belsky plain-ridged depression (altitude 60-250 m above sea level). According to forest zoning it is in the South Ural forest-steppe region.

The purpose of the site is protective forests. The site category is a green zone of forests that perform the functions of protecting natural and other objects. Vegetation type is forest.

The soils of the area are dark gray forest soils.

Test area No 5. «Soluni» – 10,0 Ha

The site is an erosion-accumulative terrace of the Ufa river valley on soddy-calcareous soils. The Pavlovsk reservoir of the channel type is located near the site.

The choice of this site is due to the diversity of ecosystems and the fact that on the territory of this site there is the Soluni Educational Research and Production site, which is intended for educational, scientific, cultural, recreational, tourism and sports purposes. The engineering infrastructure is represented by water supply networks, sewerage, external and internal electrical networks and high-speed Internet.

The vegetation on the site is represented by dark coniferous-broad-leaved forests with Siberian spruce, Siberian fir, heart-leaved linden with a herbaceous layer of tall wrestler, forest reed grass, common goutweed, spreading pine forest, Siberian skerda, underripe spear-leaved, common sorrel.

The soils of the area are Soddy-calcareous soils, including leached and podzolized soddy-calcareous soils.

Test area No 6. Resort "Yangan-Tau" – 675,0 Ha

The site is clustered one, including abandoned agricultural lands overgrown with forests - hayfields, arable lands, which are at different stages of restoration successions, promising for the foundation of carbon farms. The landscapes of the three sites are somewhat different: site No.1 is confined to hilly-ridged ridge plains, site No.2 is confined to a sloping plateau, and site No.3 is confined to low-mountain ridges. The mesorelief of the site is hilly-ridged and flat.

The forest vegetation of the site is represented by broad-herb and grass-forb pine-birch and broad-leaved forests, pine cultures. Significant areas are occupied by abandoned agricultural lands, overgrown mainly with drooping birch and Scots pine. Meadow-steppe vegetation is confined to fallows and is represented by grass-forbs.

The soil types of the site are represented by gray forest clayey and heavy loamy soils, more rarely podzolized medium-humus thin chernozems.

Test area No 7. «Berkazan-Kamysh» – 700,0 Ha

The Berkazan-Kamysh bog massif is located in the forest-steppe zone, in the Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The landscape is a disturbed hollow swamp in the floodplain of the Tyulian River with a low vertical drop. The swamp was drained in the 1970s, and the peat deposit was developed. Secondary flooding was carried out in 2017. The mesorelief is a leveled depression.

The vegetation of the site is highly mosaic, depending on the microrelief. Four main types of vegetation can be distinguished: solonchakous meadow communities with Nevsky barley, wet-meadow weakly solonchakous communities with ground reed grass, moist reed-sedge communities, and excessively moistened reed-cattail communities. The areas of these types are gradually changing as a result of the process of flooding the swamp.

The soils of the site are meadow-chernozem solonchakous carbonate-free loamy soils, meadow ordinary clayey soils, reclaimed peat lowland developed soils and bog lowland peat-gley soils.

Tasks of the test area include several projects:

  • «Adaptation of ground-based technologies for agrochemical control and respiration of greenhouse gases by soils of agricultural land» (2022-2023);
  • «Estimation of carbon sequestration in certain areas of the landfill based on ground-based measurements and remote sensing data from satellite systems and UAVs» (2022-2023);
  • "Development of methods for obtaining planting material for compensatory afforestation and reforestation" (2023-2024);
  • "Measuring the fluxes of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for key areas of the flooded bog complex Berkazan-Kamysh" (2022-2023);
  • «Inventory of wetland complexes of the Republic of Bashkortostan, assessment of their condition and the possibility of using them in order to increase the sequestration potential» (2022-2023);
  • "Start of research in areas of the carbon range" (2022);
  • "Development of carbon farm model" (2022-2023);
  • "Inventory of overgrown unused agricultural lands of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (2022-2023);
  • "Development of complex preparations for agroforestry ecosystems that increase carbon sequestration based on microorganisms and humic substances" (2022-2023);
  • "Study of the physicochemical and toxicological properties of the soils" (2022-2023);
  • "Study of the level of eutrophication of surface waters and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions on the example of the Pavlovsk reservoir" (2022-2023);

Educational program of the test area includes 17 new programs, in technosphere safety, environmental management and water use, land management, agrochemistry and agrosoil science, soil science, hydrometeorology and geography; and also includes 23 inter-disciplinary courses, 10 inter-disciplinary programs and 3 continuing education programs.

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